Brave Photographers – Anton Hammerl



           Killed Photographing 
               Conflict in Libya 


Hammerl, the former picture editor for The Saturday Star (Johannesburg, South Africa), went to Libya on 28 March 20111, to cover the crisis, as a freelancer, with a view to filing for various agencies. On the evening of Monday 4 April 2011, Hammerl skyped his family, informing them that he would be driving with another group of journalists to a rural location that was fairly distant from the Benghazi base. They later discovered that Hammerl was devastatingly shot while traveling with the group of journalists.

Anton Hammerl

Anton Hammerl war photography


(Note the incredible story telling of this photo) 

Libya 3rd April 2011 – Benghazi-based Anti-Gadaffi freedom fighters 10km outside the recaptured town of Brega and en route to the ever-moving frontline bomb rebel ‘Shabaab’ freedom fighters despite being bombed by Nato aircraft.


Anton Hammerl war photography


Gadaffi’s forces lost ground close to Aljabya for the sixth time in two weeks. This was after the coalition forces handed over the defensive action to Nato who had ceased bombing targets that were seen as harmful to civilians in Libya.


Anton Hammerl final photographs


On 8 April, loyalist forces attempted to recapture the city. Taking advantage of a disorganized rebel retreat following the Third Battle of Brega, loyalist troops entered the city and had taken control of most of it by 9 April. 


photographing in libya Anton Hammerl


However, rebel forces soon regrouped and had pushed pro-Gaddafi forces out of the city by 11 April, with heavy support from NATO airstrikes. The front line then stagnated outside of the city, 40 km down the road to Brega. Loyalist shells continued to intermittently strike the western gate and outskirts of the city for several days.



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