Feb 11th – Nelson Mandela Was Released On This Day



Feb 11th – This Day In History 

After 27 years in prison for fighting apartheid, Nelson Mandela was released on February 11, 1990.  

Mandela was imprisoned for his efforts to dismantle the oppressive system and his release marked a turning point for South Africa, signaling the end of apartheid and paving the way for democracy. This began with the first free elections in 1994, where he was elected as the first president of the democratic Republic of South Africa.

Nelson Mandela Was Released:



Chris Ledochowski

Nelson Mandela addresses South Africans for the first time after his release from prison, from the balcony of the City Hall on the Grand Parade, Cape Town.




Sue Kramer

‘Fee At Last’ refers to that fact that Nelson Mandela is free at last . He was released from prison after 27 years imprisonment. Celebrations were held all over South Africa to celebrate his freedom and the road to freedom and democracy for South Africa. Some of the crowd at a rally to celebrate Mandela’s release holding a poster Free At Last and a COSATU umbrella wth smiles of joy , Soweto, Johannesburg, 12.02.1990




Sue Kramer

A man holds ” He’s free poster Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 11 Feb 1990 the night that Nelson Mandela was released from prison after 27 years imprisonment.Many people took to the streets in celebration at Nelson mandela’s release.the joy and excitement was electrifying and everywhere in South Africa . Hillbrow, an inner city suburb of Johannesburg people took to the streets to celebrate.




Graeme Williams

South Africa, Johannesburg, 1990: Nelson Mandela returns to his home in Soweto after being released from prison.



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